Monday, 30 April 2007

Boring Stuff You Probably Don't Want to Read

No real post today. I'm taking the day off. I'm not sick (more than usual). I'm not depressed (more than usual). I do have a sort of pressure headache from allergies (more than usual).

I finally got level 40 on my WoW Druid, Moolasses.

I spent literally all day grinding out the level yesterday. I must have played about 10 hours. Level 40 brings new dimension to your toon ... you can get a mount. This allows you to go much faster than if on foot. Level 40 mounts go 60% faster than normal run speed.

As a Druid, I have a Travel form (a cheetah) that allows me to travel at 40% faster than normal foot speed. Technically, I didn't need the mount, as my Travel Form is actually more versatile, if slower, than using a mount. I can quickly change back and forth between forms, even in combat, which allows me to make speedy get-aways when things go bad. (And, they do go bad). Mounts require several seconds to summon, and you cannot do it in combat, let alone fight while mounted.

The mount is more of a status thing as it requires 90 to 100 gold to get the riding training and mount.

Here is Moolasses on her shiny, new Kodo mount. The only thing big enough for the huge Tauren race to ride around on.Other notes of interest:

  • The Penny Doubled Daily amount is in the decillions. This is mathematically notated as 1033.
  • After 4 months online, the Roost has had 3,825 visits with 5,757 pageviews.
  • 1,104 (or 28.86%) are Return Visitors. (That's you guys ^.^)
  • The most popular page (aside from the main page) is the Penny Doubled Daily page
  • The top 5 search phrases that bring people to the Roost are:

    1. "penny doubled" - There are numerous variations on this, all wanting to know how much a penny doubled daily for 30 days (or longer) is. I've no way to accurately gauge the specific number of hits for those phrases, but it is significant.

    2. "jesus remains" - This one is from people who were interested in James Cameron's documentary about the supposed physical remains of Jesus.
    3. "raivynn" - What can I say? People love to Google me. ~.^ (I know I'm not the only Raivynn out there in cyberland ... but the proliferation of my previous 'Net name, Vixenkitty, astounds me. Used ot be my old 'Net debris was the only stuff you found searching under that name. Now there are dozens of vixenkittys, even a clothing brand. But I coined the name back in early '93 and consider myself the true, original owner of it. So there. Mmmph!).
    4. "gasparilla boobs" - I did an article about Gasparilla as my 18th blog post. In it, I briefly mentioned how, like Marti Gras, many women expose their breasts for beads and trinkets. Somehow, have the words Gasparilla and boobs in the same article spawned dozens of hits from people looking for such images (which there are none on my blog, so stop looking!!!). This little blurb will likely get me another few dozen hits for saying gasparilla boobs. Oops, I did it again! ~.^
    5. "dog phrases" & "chicken eating cow" were tied with several dozen hits. The first leads to my Sick as a Dog article and the latter to my post about the cow in India that eats live chickens. That one sparked the infamous Cow Week on the Roost.

Now, I imagine if I went through all 2,047 search engine phrases that led to my site, I could compile a really accurate description of what people typed in to get her.But, I'm lazy and ain't gonna. =P

Okay, so I made a fairly long, and involved, post. And it likely bored you to tears. I thought you might need a break from the uber-cute Ninja kitty posts, though. Did it help?

Today's Penny Doubled Daily Cumulative Amount for 32 days is:


Sunday, 29 April 2007

Ninja Kitty Academy - Disguise Training

More promotional material from the once super-secret Ninja Kitty Academy. This time it is a picture by the famous monochromatic photographer, Ansel Catams.

This haunting shot features Ghost Tiger demonstrating his uncanny ability to disguise himself, using the Me Amhi Ding technique. Ghost Tiger has chosen to disguise himself as a mouse in order to infiltrate the infamouse Deez Nee Cartel.

His skills are simply astounding. Even knowing this Ninja Kitty is a faux mouse, it would take a master of perception to penetrate this perfect disguise. And, to complete the illusion, Ghost Tiger is totally fluent in Rodentalian, as well as Caninese, Fowlish, and seventeen other languages and dialects.

Good Thing He Wasn't Infiltrating The Pachyderm Party

Today's Penny Doubled Daily Cumulative Amount for 119 days is:


Saturday, 28 April 2007

Ninja Kitty Academy - Weapons Training

To be a well-rounded, deadly Ninja Kitty, you must have extensive training in all types of weapons. Here, in a painting by the famous painter (and secret member of the Ninja Kitty Academy) Pablo Picatso, you can see two Ninja Kittys practicing a from of combat called Nah Cho Dae; a mix of sword and unarmed combat where the fur really flys.

Today's Penny Doubled Daily Cumulative Amount for 118 days is:


Friday, 27 April 2007

Ninja Kitty Academy - Stealth Training

Another promotional picture from the formerly super-secret Ninja Kitty Academy. Here we see new recruit Fluffy Death practicing the all-important stealth skills vital to any Ninja Kiity's arsenal. You may have to look closely, as Fluffy Death is nigh invisible behind that leafy brush.

Now you See Me ...

What is Demeaning of This?

Back on April 19th, the Man of Steel (one half of the Mud & Steel podcasts) posted about Overused Words.

Some of the words given were Amazing, Awesome, Freakin', Sweet, and my own two contributions, Pimp and Bling.

Over the last week I've been thinking of other words that are overused, and it led to three words that not only are overused, but are insensitive and demeaning.


You typically hear these words casually uttered by younger folk, or by gamers.

If they feel something is stupid, weird, or unfair, these people will declaim, "That was Gay!" or "That was Retarded!"

It seriously irks me to hear this, or to read in chats. My own nephew has used both words in this context and was taken to task by me over his use of them.

I explained to him, more vehemently than was needed, that these terms are very demeaning to people. He may not like gay people, and feels no compunction in using that word to describe things in an insulting manner. Like most people, he fears homosexuals because he doesn't understand that lifestyle and subsequently fears it. (He is also only 13, and follows current trends so as to not be ostracized, plus his previous upbringing was one of hate towards difference ... women, skin color, etc).

We all know that the word gay has dramatically changed from its original meaning of happy, carefree, or colorful. This occurred in the late-17th century to extend the "carefree" definition to include all manner of sexual behavior perceived as immoral. Its usage evolved over the years so that by the mid-20th century "gay" was an antonym for "straight", or for homosexual behavior.

Now that word has evolved to describe objects or events in an unflattering manner by comparing those things to a homosexual; a deviate in many eyes, as something wrong.

I find the usage of it as demeaning and wrong as calling someone a nigger. (I was going to type "the n-word", but let's be blunt. Euphamising a word detracts from the discussion of it and lessens the impact).

Don Imus was vilified and fired from his radio and television job for calling the Rutger's university women's basketball team "nappy-headed ho's". It was wrong to say, sure, but that's what his show's draw was; being irreverent, crude, and asinine. His ratings prove people liked his style. (Or lack of, in my opinion).

Yet we allow our kids to use the word gay in this way, demeaning a group of people, because ... why? We don't agree with their life choices? We don't understand them? We fear them? They do not have loud-mouthed, big name advocates like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton?

As with Imus' comments, it comes to respect for others. Respect whether we agree with someone, or not. Respect whether we like someone, or not.

Some people go by the phrase, "Respect Must Be Earned". I prefer to live by the phrase, "Respect May Be Lost."

Even more agitating to me is using the word "Retarded" in the same manner as "Gay".

Webster's describes retarded as "developmentally slow." It is derived from the word "retard" which is to "impede or hinder."

I worked with retarded "kids". We called them "Special Citizens" to avoid the negative connotations "retarded" often brought, and though many were far, far older than I, mentally most were between 4 and 12.

These gentle souls did not choose to be developmentally retarded. (I also don't feel most homosexual "choose" to be so, for that matter). Yet they suffer the stigma of being shunned, outcast by "normal" society for their disabilities. We try to avoid staring when we see one, yet we are also driven to keep watching them from the corners of our eyes; waiting, almost hoping, to see something that we can inwardly laugh at, or feel pity over, something to make us feel more "normal", more a part of society instead of apart from it.

We're all insecure deep inside, wanting acceptance, wanting to be a part of something larger. Retarded folk help us feel that by allowing us to be secretly glad its not us, by making us feel "normal." Yet, we feel they are less than us.

Using the name of these peoples' disability as a negative term to describe something disliked is abominable. It is demeaning and disrespectful.

The last word is one that doesn't depict a group of people, per se, more than it does a horrible, despicable action.

Rape has been commandeered by a youthful gaming community to describe when something, or a group of somethings, easily (and often humiliatingly) beats that player's character.

"I was raped!" they cry, after a horde of enemies quickly slays their valiant warrior.

"Owned" is another term more often used by gamers for this type of scenario. "Pwned" is another version of it. Neither are particularly offensive, even though the connotations are still the same.

Those who use the term "rape" in this crude manner have no idea what the horror of that word really means.

Being forced to submit to sexual predation through violence or trickery. Being personally violated by another human being for their own pleasure. Being used, abused, and treated like an object so someone can get their twisted jollies.

It is a disgusting act. An evil act.

I was raped by a family member when I was a child. There are only vague memories of it; horrible flashbacks of murky scenes, the faint feel of a leather belt around my neck, a dark, indistinct shape forcing my mouth open, gasping for breath ...

I near lose it when I see some clueless individual say they were raped by some video game enemies. I see red. I want to scream at them to shut up. I want to reach through the screen and smack them for so casually belittling what millions of women, children, and even men have actually endured.

Of all three words, this is the one that makes my blood boil the most. I would prefer to see the most vile curse words flit across my chat than to see rape used in such an uncaring, uneducated, callous manner.

My two nephews do not use the word rape. I am glad they do not, but get even angrier at those who do when I think of why my boys won't use it.

I hope those of you who are reading this think a little closer about what you say, or type. If you use these words, I pray you reconsider them. If you know someone who does, I ask that you make it known those words are inappropriate, even wrong, to use that way.

It's funny how a single, simple word can hurt someone.

Today's Penny Doubled Daily Cumulative Amount for 117 days is:


Thursday, 26 April 2007

Homeless - How Do We Help?

I am very conflicted about the homeless issue. As Mud Puppy asks in the comments section of the Semper Fi Fellowship blog, " do you know who’s faking it and who’s legit?"

Something that has stuck with my my entire life happened when I was around 11 or 12 ... My father (well, step-father, but he was my Dad) was a very generous soul. One day he saw a scruffy man by the side of the road with one of those ubiquitous cardboard signs asking for help. My Dad pulled over and offered the man a job (paying $6 an hour in 1982!!), offered to get him a hotel for week until his first check, and stake him some money for food and new clothing.

The guy blearily blinked at my dad and slurred out, "I just want a few bucks to get drunk, man."

My sympathy for the homeless was shattered, and I've never viewed them the same.

I know there are homeless who would truly love to receive an offer like that, but I suspect there are vastly more who simply want another drink, or another snort, or another shoot.

Some it's fairly easy to tell ... the ones with kids.

Others it's not so easy. Some have slipped so far into the cracks of society, for so long, that the once industrious and kind souls have become embittered and mired in self -loathing and addictions that climbing out of their black pits of despair is nigh impossible for them ... alone.

But how do we help?

Not the we as in society, or government. We as in us. The readers of this blog, the average joe, John Q. Public.

Volunteering at soup kitchens, half-way houses, and food banks is a start. If time is an issue, donating some money to those charities that aid the homeless is an option.

But that doesn't take care of the real issue, the underlying causes of these poor souls' plight.

It's unrealistic to think we, the common folk, can offer jobs to those who would relish the chance for one. Some have jobs, but simply cannot afford adequate housing for their families. Rising insurance rates and sky-rocketing housing costs have driven many people out of homes. Living in a hotel or motel is not a real option, as the costs of that are astronomical in the long run.

Offering a homeless family a place to stay would be great. But there lies also the security issue of your own family. Do you take the chance of allowing complete strangers into your home? If so, for how long?

What of those people so addicted to drugs, alcohol, or the homeless way of living? Do you give them money which may go only to feed their addiction? You could give them actual food, which only gets them through the day, not touching the real issue of their problems.

It seems that society wants to help the homeless, while at the same time staying apart from them. It treats the symptoms without looking for a cure.

Government and private agencies are woefully underfunded, understaffed, and overwhelmed.

Large cities, like Tampa, funnel vast quantities of public monies into sports teams training facilities, stadiums, and areas. They build glistening Riverwalks in affluent neighborhoods. They debate over what to do with several unused public buildings ... turn them into museums? Condos?

If that money was used to help people, if those building were renovated to house homeless, if better funded and staffed counseling centers and addiction clinics were created, could we stanch the flow of ever increasing homeless? Could we, perhaps, save some of these benighted souls, help them recover from the squalor and addictions that envelop their lives?

I don't know.

I suppose it's easier for those who have to stay locked away in our ivory towers, basking in the glow of our possessions, as we studiously ignore the dark blot of the have-nots in our courtyards.

I've no answers to give. This is just something that gnaws on my mind from time to time. I don't know what posting this will do to help, other than getting my thoughts out.

I could do more, I suppose. I just don't know what, or how.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Gypsum, Dwarven Priest(ess)

Here is a render of my dwarf priest(ess) from the Rebel Dragon guild on the Alliance side of World of Warcraft. Nobody asked to see it, nobody probably wants to, but here it is anyway. Be nice, or she'll whack you with her purple moon stick .. but she'll heal you after. she's nice that way. ~.^


The Cure Is Worse Than the Disease

Some days I think I'd rather be sick than cured.

I am on several medications, and have just added two more to my list of poor-man's pharmaceutical panaceas. I now have prescriptions going into every orifice except the ... errr ... out one.

I have drops for my eyes. I have drops for my ears. I have a spray for my nose. I have pills I swallow. I have puffers I inhale. I even have creams I apply to my skin (sometimes).

The diabetic pills (Metformin) give me the runs. I'm talking sudden abdominal cramps, followed a mad dash to the nearest porcelain throne, where I spend the next several minutes wondering when the thrust from the booster rockets that were somehow implanted in my tuchas are going to send me into orbit.

Fortunately it is not an everyday occurrence; it happens a few times a week. On those days I'm left weak, exhausted, dehydrated, and feeling like an aborted space launch. As bad as the liquid rocket propellant is, the effects of not taking the meds are worse; lethargy, headaches, weakness, peeing every few minutes, dry mouth, increased susceptibility to infection, irritability (OK I'm always irritable), and the ever looming chance of death.

Two new meds to combat my severe allergies are making me wonder if having itchy, watery eyes, stuffy nose, pressure headaches, post nasal drip, coughing, and sneezing are worth the near migraine level, trip-hammering, head-exploding, mind-bursting headaches they induce.

I've only been on the new stuff for two days, so I'll have to see how it plays out. Next month I get to be tested for specific allergy inducers by being pricked 45 times on my back, then waiting to see which prick causes a reaction. (The allergen, not the person who poked it into me, that is). If that goes well, then I get 20-25 subdermal injections on my arm to find out what else may be making me sick. And I get to pay almost $800 for the privilege of becoming a medical pincushion. Thankfully, I have no fear of needles.

Currently however, I am combating the raging headaches by taking Tylenol ... handfuls of it. Okay, I don't really exceed the recommend dosage of 2 every 4-6 hours, but it seems I'm popping the pain pills like M&M's.

I also have real pain medication for arthritis and some neuropathy, but I use that sparingly because it zonks me out and makes me slightly wonky. I am sorely tempted to use it for the headaches, but it hasn't gotten to that point ... yet.

I could take a pill to help with the chocolate rocket boosters, but then I'd have to take another pill to help with the nausea that pill causes, and yet another pill to help with the insomnia brought on by the nausea pill, which leads to yet another pill for heartburn from the sleeping pill, and the pill for heartburn gives me the runs, and the cycle is complete.

I'd rather be sick. =/

Today's Penny Doubled Daily Cumulative Amount for 115 days is:


Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Ninja Kitty Academy - Stylin' Wear

Every true Ninja Kitty needs to disguise themselves from time to time, and what better way to do it than with a Ninja Kitty Mask?

Keep your Ninja Kitty's identity a secret with this stylish, black wool mask designed for comfort and stealth.

The Ninja Kitty Academy Masters gives the Ninja Kitty Mask two claws up!

(sorry for the late post, horrible day, horrible headache)

Today's Penny Doubled Daily Cumulative Amount for 32 days is:


Monday, 23 April 2007

Ninja Kitty Academy

The Super-Secret Ninja Kitty Academy may not be so super-secret much longer. My Roost spies have delivered a prototype promotional image that the NKA appears to be readying for release.

Katrate KickThey seem to be showcasing their star Katrate pupil, Tux Kwan Do, as he uses a devastating finishing move against a member from their rival dojo, Pugilistic Pooch Prep (mostly Boxers enrolled there).

Today's Penny Doubled Daily Cumulative Amount for 113 days is:


Sunday, 22 April 2007

Secret Ninja Kitty Training Video

My Roost spies have uncovered a super-secret ninja kitty training facility in the U.S. This surveillance video was obtained only with great danger and great cost.

The sheer horror of watching the unfeeling humans forcing the kittens into this life-or-death, winner-takes-all combat is almost unbearable to watch. Even when one of the ninja kitties (Codename: Tigerlilly) tries to escape, she is ruthlessly snatched and tossed back into the bloody fray.

You can see, in the upper left corner of the video, the meanest, toughest, most vile ninja kitty of them all: Black Lotus. While his other co-ninja kitties fight tooth and claw, he stays apart from the vicious melee, awaiting his chance to pounce on the tired and weakened winner of the ongoing brawl, thus emerging the victor through guile and unfettered strength! See how he casually licks his paw in quiet contemplation of the carnage he is about to unleash? How he feigns clumsiness and incompetence by falling ponderously on his side? Soon, his claws will strike, his teeth will shred, and his enemies shall fall like sheaves of fresh catnip to the mighty reaper that is Black Lotus!

While Black Lotus bides his time, you can plainly see how the human taskmasters taunt one of the ninja kitty trainees (Codename: Ghost Pouncer) with sharp jabs to the tummy and head, followed by an excruciating crushing of his fore paw in a taloned, vice-like grip. He is then given the Mark of Dishonor along his leg and head as a badge of shame for not fighting with more viciousness.

The video ends just as Tigerlilly makes a move against Black Lotus, whose mastery of the kitty ninja arts is so strong he merely blinks and sends his erstwhile foe violently tumbling out of the battle arena.

WARNING: The above video is so cute you might have to go watch a violently gory horror movie to counter-balance the sheer adorablocity of the kittenish ramblege. (I know those aren't real words, but they fit the video's cuteonomic level.)

Today's Penny Doubled Daily Cumulative Amount for 112 days is:


Saturday, 21 April 2007

Ray Stevens Roundup

Last day of the Ray Stevens video-thon. I hope you've all enjoyed some of this marvelous master's musical montage and perhaps seek out some of his Greatest Hits compilations. He does have many, many serious songs, as well, including this next one ... "Everything is Beautiful."

Back to the funny ...

One of Ray's more well known songs (it was even covered by the Muppets!!)

"I Am My Own Grandpa"

And to close out the Ray Stevens Roundup ... the Fabulous Marty Berk's tribute to Ray Stevens oft-parodied "The Pirate Song!"

Ray Stevens' Official Website!

Today's Penny Doubled Daily Cumulative Amount for 111 days is:


Friday, 20 April 2007

Along Came Jones - Ray Stevens

Next to the last Ray Stevens video, Along Came Jones. It's another not very well known song by Ray Stevens, but it is pretty funny. No official video for it, so we again get to see Marty Berk's tribute. Berk is hilarious to watch and adds so much more to the song than if you just were listening to it.

Today's Penny Doubled Daily Cumulative Amount for 110 days is:


Tomorrow I'll wrap it up with two, maybe three, more Ray Stevens' music videos (if I can find a good version of a particular song)

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Gitarzan - Ray Stevens

More Ray Stevens! This one is Gitarzan, a lesser known song but pretty funny. I love how it was a country-style, jungle beat riff on the early rap of the late '70s.

The phenomenal Marty Berk acts out the song.

PS - sorry was late today. ^.^;;

Today's Penny Doubled Daily Cumulative Amount for 109 days is:


Wednesday, 18 April 2007

It's Me Again Margaret - Ray Stevens

I don't why, but I love this song. I'd never seen the official video for it until I rummaged around YouTube. You -have- to stay until the end of the video for an even funnier bit that is not in the actual song.

When I was little my family all used to say "Are you nekkiiiiiiiiid?" when asking to go into bedrooms or open the bathroom door. Yeah, we were all weird.

Anyhow, here's the video:

Today's Penny Doubled Daily Cumulative Amount for 108 days is:


Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Perpetual Motion Cracked

Double post today! This news just couldn't wait. Woot!!

Scientists have finally cracked the secret behind a true perpetual motion generator. Two simple items in a single composite create the dynamic required to provide the perpetual motion.

The equation for it is fairly simple: f(x)=k/x. This formula creates and acetonograph which shows that as the composite approaches the ground it will decelerate until it overcomes the force of gravity at which point it will float and all downward kinetic motion will be transferred into a spinning movement.

Well, okay, it sounds complicated when you read it, but watch this video clip below to see it working in action:

Help Me Make It Through The Night - Ray Stevens

Continuing the Ray Stevens' music videos today with "Help Me Make It Through The Night". This is one of the weirder videos he has ... o.O

Today's Penny Doubled Daily Cumulative Amount for 107 days is:


Monday, 16 April 2007

The Streak - Ray Stevens

One of the more well-known songs by funnyman Ray Stevens. I recall listening to this hit in the early 70's on our old console stereo system. (Thing was as big as a sofa!)

I present "The Streak" by Ray Stevens. Don't look, Ethel!

There is a guy named Marty Berk who does tribute re-enactments of several of Ray Stevens' best hits. I'll be showing a few of these this week. Consider it Ray Stevens Week at the Roost. ~.^

Today's Penny Doubled Daily Cumulative Amount for 106 days is:


Sunday, 15 April 2007

Sittin' Up With The Dead - Ray Stevens

Better late than never. ~.^

I was requested to show some more of comedy singer Ray Stevens. So here you go, the country-western style of a Thriller video.

Saturday, 14 April 2007

The Mississippi Squirrel Revival - Ray Stevens

You know me and my little kicks of themes. Guess it's squirrels now, as i show you one of the best, all-time, funniest songs ever. Plus it's got squirrels.

Here's Ray Stevens' "Mississippi Squirrel Revival"!

I have loved Ray Stevens' stuff since I was little. You've probably heard a few of his songs but might not remember him. I think I'll do a few days of his videos for you gentle readers. ~.^

Today's Penny Doubled Daily Cumulative Amount for 104 days is:


Friday, 13 April 2007

Squirrel Catapult

A couple candidates for enrollment in PETA (Pea-brains Egregiously Terrorizing Animals) show off their latest invention , the Squirrel Catapult.

The original video has been pulled from YouTube. Can't say I blame them, it was pretty cruel, if funny. In it's place i offer another video for your viewing pleasure until it, too, is pulled ... =/

I wonder if David Crowder knows about this contraption?

While I think this is sorta funny, I don't think this is a nice thing to do to the poor tree rats. Though, judging by the crazy aero-nut-ical squirrels that infest the trees around my house, I doubt any of the ones in the video were injured. Every few days there is a loud THUMP on my bedroom wall as a fearless fluff misjudges the distance from the tree branch to my roof.

Just desserts for pelting me with acorns every spring when the new baby tree rats are born. I know, I know, it's a 'protect the babies' defensive instinct. But an acorn to the eye doesn't greatly endear them to me. ~.^

Today's Penny Doubled Daily Cumulative Amount for 103 days is:
