Monday 7 May 2007

Marvel vs. DC

Well, I was going to give you guys something to look at besides my vague descriptions of my gastrointestinal difficulties. (It was going to be Spider-man farting, if I could find something). But I found these videos instead.

They're riffs on the Mac vs. PC commercials, and they are funny stuff. Have a look! (But give it time to load, there are 6 of them! Wohoo!)

Hi, I'm a Marvel ... and I'm a DC (Mac/PC Parody) #1

Hi, I'm a Marvel ... and I'm a DC (Mac/PC Parody) #2

Hi, I'm a Marvel ... and I'm a DC (Mac/PC Parody) #3

Hi, I'm a Marvel ... and I'm a DC (Mac/PC Parody) #4

Hi, I'm a Marvel ... and I'm Batman (Mac/PC Parody) #1

Hi, I'm a Marvel ... and I'm Batman (Mac/PC Parody) #2

You can also find these videos at ItsJustSomeRandomGuy's YouTube site. Check back there in case he does more of these great parody videos!

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