Monday, 7 May 2007

Whys and Whatfors

My apologies for no Sunday blog, and technically no real Saturday blog, either.

May 5th, Saturday, was the one year anniversary of when we adopted my nephews. Their mother was brutally murdered in the November of 2002, and after lengthy court battles to terminate the parental rights of their father (who is the prime suspect), we were able to adopt them last year.

We celebrated by going to a 9:15 AM showing of Spider-Man 3, followed by a nice lunch at Chili's and dessert at the Dairy Queen right next door. Then we went grocery shopping.

Okay, so food shopping is not quite the celebratory event most people do, but we needed to eat later this week.

By the time we got home, it was around 2PM. The kids went off to do their thing, Mom went off to do hers, and i was too worn out to think and write a blog. So I played WoW.

Sunday ... well, it was hectic all morning into the afternoon, and I was tummy ill and sore-throated all day. (Is sore-throated a word?) I decided to take Sunday off from blogging, as well. So I played WoW.

Which brings us to today. Up at 7 AM, get the kids fed and make sure they are ready for school, drive to the bus stop, home for my own breakfast (Honey Bunches of Oats, Yum!), then ... snnnrrrrrkkkkkkk ... I went back to bed until my aunt called my cell at around 10:45 AM. I might still be asleep if she hadn't called.

Well, that's not entirely true. More tummy issues issues today. I've had to stop writing and hit the bathroom four times so far in the last hour. I hate my diabetic pills that do this to me, but it is honestly better than feeling like I do if I miss taking them for a day.

So there you have it.

Oh, and my mini-review of Spider-Man 3? Go see it. Spider-Man 2 was superior, but this one is good, if muddled with too much going on and too many coincidences. (Where the hell did the Osborn butler come from, just in time to lay some important information out there? and more important, does he hang out with Alfred Pennyworth on his days off?)

I'll catch up on the Penny doubled daily thing tomorrow. Right now the porcelain God is calling for a fifth meeting. *sigh*

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